Top 10 Polluting Countries

The Countries listed in this top 10 have been found to emit the highest carbon dioxide emissions and they are ranked accordingly.

As these countries are mostly developed countries and due to increase in technological and industrial revolutions in order to beat,every country is trying to take a lead in this technological era and with that they are not sensing the environmental degradation of our planet,Destruction of natural habitat,Massive Biodiversity extinctions,These countries plant an industry with title “Clean & Green” but they are not actually saving the planet.These countries are in progress or need  to  working towards the control of carbon dioxide to safeguard our planet.

1. China

6,018 million tonnes Carbon dioxide Emissions

china pollution


2. United States

5,903 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission.

usa pollution


3. Russia

1,704 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission

russia pollution


4. India

1,293 million tonne of Carbon dioxide emission

india pollution


5. Japan

1,247 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission

japan pollution


6. Germany

858 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission

germany pollution


7. Canada

614 million tonnes of Carbon emission

canada pollution


8. United Kingdom

586  million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission

united kingdom pollution


9. South Korea

514 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission

south korea pollution


10. Iran

471 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emission

iran pollution

About Sami Khan

Hi! I am Sami Khan, a Blogger and Environmental Science Student. Follow me on googleplus - Read more...

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