Green initiatives have become over the last couple of year more prioritized than ever in the business world, with numerous new regulations being implemented due to the degrading status of the environment. More companies have started to green their enterprises, following a few beneficial, recommended movements that have allowed them to reduce the impact that their regular professional activities actually have on the environment. If you have been researching lately sustainability issues in your branch, and have established that a proper pursuit of eco-friendlyinitiatives is necessary, you might be wondering what you should start with. Among the numerous effective ways to upgrade your sustainability level, the following possibilities are the ones that need your attention first:
Resort to an energy audit
One of the first things all companies are advised to do is resort to professionals for a proper energy audit. Without knowing where you are wasting energy, you won’t be able to actually make your business more sustainable, and thus prevent dealing with issues in this department that are not only affecting your company’s impact on the environment, but your monthly expenses as well. What an audit will provide you with is clear answers on energy leaks and other similar inconveniences and advice on how you can improve things in this department. Search for certified personnel that can offer you the support required on the matter. However, it’s necessary to actually follow the pointers provided by the experts, in order for the audit to have real effects on your company.
Waste reduction – proper disposal practices – recycling prioritized
What might be currently influencing negatively the sustainability status of companies in general, especiallyif you are functioning in the manufacturing industry, is the amount of waste gathered at the end of each month, improper disposal and lack of efficient recycling methods. In order to actually give your business that green upgrade you desire, reassessing your actions in this department, and taking control over your waste disposal habits is necessary. This is something thatneeds to be discussed in-house, in order for all employees to have their own role in the process. Besides the standard placement of recycling bins in properly designated areas, you should consider investing in proper waste disposal equipment, which will allow you to improve your disposal practices, and make things as convenient and easy for you as possible. More enterprises are resorting to balers and compactors with a modern design that facilitate eco-friendly waste management movements, and simplify recycling. A high-quality baler is the type of addition you will not regret spending money on, so research your options and make a purchase as soon as possible. You can also collaborate with recycling companies that can support you in the process by taking off your hands and to the right location all of your waste, starting from the usual paper and plastic and up to metal.
Switch to CFL or LED lights
Green practices don’t have to be necessarily complex and hard to engage in, often, the small things can make the bigger difference. Companies as well as homeowners are advised to rethink their lighting system and give up on traditional light bulbs, which are still widely used within numerous corporations and home. LEDs and CFls are the more energy-efficient alternatives, giving you the chance to lower your energy consumption easily.While these types of bulbs might be a bit more expensive to purchase at first, they will in fact last longer and consume far less electricity, which means you will be actually saving money in the long-run. You can even use a calculator on the web which will tell you how much you can save through this lighting system change, if you want to have a clear number in mind.
Outdated appliances replacement
A hazard for the environment, and something not many enterprises actually acknowledge, sadly, is the usage of outdatedappliances. From computers to printers, the devices you might be using on a daily basis could actually be a source of energy wastage, and thus an issue in terms of pollution. It’s your responsibility to ensure your enterprise has upgraded the majority of appliances to star-rated alternatives. Nowadays, you have access to a wide range of options which come with energy saving labels, and a simple switch can matter more than you think. Also, switching to an alternative energy provider is also something you should think about.
Biodegradable cleaners usage
While you might not be in charge of cleaning requirements directly, as a business owner or manager, it’s still your duty to find out what type of cleaning products are being used on your business’ premises regularity. The chemicals found in traditional cleaners have polluting properties, and considering how often these are being used within large companies, making a positive change is essential. Biodegradable clears are just as effective for the said purpose and less harmful both for the environment and for those exposed to them.
Collaborate with green suppliers
Whenever you are trying to find a new provider for a long-term collaboration, business that can supply you with certain products, you should take some time to research their view on sustainability. Working only with green supplier is one other simple action that can be rapidly done and will promote the eco-friendly nature of your company. However, keep in mind that certain suppliers might make unreal claims in this department, so you should first research their reputation before deciding to sign a contract with a new provider.
Considering the impact corporation, manufacturing factories and even small business have on the environment, implementing some changes in their daily activities in order to increase their sustainability is advised. Besides the new regulations that promote green practices, which are mandatory to follow, you and engage in even more beneficial movements that will give your enterprise that eco-friendly label that will influence consumers’ perception of your company. These ideas are the ones that you should consider pursuing first, but there are many other possibilities available if you want a complete “revolution” in this area.