Solar Energy Companies

solar energy

Simply put, solar energy is the energy that comes from the sun. Unsurprisingly, technologies for preserving this kind of energy existed way back in the ancient times and are now evolving fast. As you probably know, solar energy is renewable, which is why using it can help in solving some of the issues of today’s society in a harmless for the environment way. For example, it can substitute the fossil fuels that people use as a heating method. When they burn, carbon dioxide is released, and by now you should already know how hazardous it is for the environment as one of the greenhouse gases that causes global warming.

Solar energy can be harnessed, converted and distributed. Modern solar energy technologies have reached a place where they can bring huge benefits in the long run. The result would be decreased air pollution, endless source of energy, climate change mitigation, reduced usage of fossil fuels, etc. In the past several years the solar energy has actually turned into the world’s fastest growing source of energy. We cannot skip mentioning solar power here, which stands for sunlight converted into electricity. Usually, solar energy is considered expensive, but the past two or three years can prove that theory wrong because its price has fallen significantly and is closer to the one of conventional electricity.

See a list of the top solar energy companies in the world below. Have in mind that as technologies change, the top companies change as well.

solar energy

First Solar

This US based company was found in 1999 and is famed for building solar power constructions all over the world. As for this moment, it provides power to approximately 2.9 million homes. With this it contributes to reducing the carbon footprint. First Solar has several awards in honour of its remarkable work in the area of solar energy production. The company succeeded in finding equilibrium between price and efficiency and now has the lowest cost solar panels per watt, which is under 1$ per watt. It uses the so-called Cd-Te (cadmium tellurium) technology when making solar panels, which are not as efficient as crystalline panels. Nevertheless, the company holds the record of efficiency in the usage of these Cd-Te panels. What makes the products of First Solar stand out is that they provide the quickest energy payback out of the other PV (photovoltaic) systems.


This is the same Japanese Electronics company that you’ve already heard of. Now it has a solar energy subsidiary. In fact, for the past fifty years and more it has been developing solar power systems. Its reputation in the industry is envious since the company has many customers now. An achievement of Sharp is that it was the first company to reach 2 GW of solar cells. The local Japanese market of solar power has grown rapidly. This is what protected the company from the severe competition that invaded in it recently. The position of Sharp on the Japanese solar market is pretty stable for now since this market practically doesn’t allow foreign investors to enter.


Suntech is among the first companies that succeeded in setting up solar energy business activity in China. It is also considered the biggest producer of silicon solar panels. The company was established in 2001 and till this moment its products are spread in eighty countries all over the world. Its R&D team never stops looking for new solar technologies. In 2010 it opened a factory in Arizona, USA. The solar panels of the Bird’s Nest Olympic stadium in China are Suntech’s achievement. The 2 GW mark was attained by the company in 2011.

Yingli Green Energy

Yingli is known for the low cost of its constructions. In effect, this is one of the oldest Chinese companies in the solar energy industry. What the company does skilfully is save from the cost of labour and the material expenses and aim for innovation to fight the competition. Yingli has undertaken vertical integration, meaning that it wants to offer products from the whole photovoltaic value chain.

It looks like that solar energy would be the next big thing, so be on the watch for that. Maybe you’re among the ones that already avail of it?

About kamran

I am Kamran Shafqat, a Blogger, a Computer Engineer and an addicted Web Developer.Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Googleplus - Read more..

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