There are many misconceptions about hypnosis. These have mostly come about due to the portrayals of hypnosis in popular mass media productions, as well as the occurrence of stage hypnosis, which is not a true depiction of medical hypnosis.
Medical hypnosis or hypnotherapy has many useful benefits which are agreed upon by the medical community. Among many other things, it can ease the symptoms of anxiety, depression, addiction, and digestive troubles. To allow for its use in modern applications, however, it is necessary to dispel incorrect theories about the `process by revealing eight truths everybody should know.
1: Medical Hypnosis is Not Stage Hypnosis: The latter is an exaggerated performance put on to entertain people. True medical hypnosis is nothing like its theatrical spawn. It is a calm, relaxing experience, and you will not turn into a mindless puppet of the hypnotist.
2: Indirect assistance is key to the process: The benefits of hypnosis take time to realize, since the process continues after you leave your session. Post hypnotic suggestions, which occur as you go about your day, are key to the process.
3: It is possible to hypnotize yourself: Self-hypnosis is a widely practiced method. You do not necessarily need to go to a professional to utilize hypnosis. Some people, such as those inexperienced in hypnosis or people with larger issues, may want to seek professional help.
4: You have been under hypnosis before: Anytime you “zone out,” you go under a light form of hypnosis. It is a natural state of relaxation that the mind naturally enters by getting rid of all distraction, so you can concentrate fully on one specific topic.
5: It is not a new idea: Hypnosis has been used for centuries. Historic civilizations like the Greeks and Chinese made use of hypnosis as a medical tool to heal everything from stomach upset to headaches. These historic societies believed that the mind and body were intricately connected.
6: No, it isn’t evil: Hypnosis is not evil, and it is not a “devil practice.” Most modern religions, including Catholicism, and Christianity, support hypnotism as a medical practice. If unsure if your specific religion supports it, you can ask your church leader.
7: It simply opens you to persuasion: In the deep state of relaxation that is hypnosis, people are simply more open to persuasion of the subconscious as their “walls” are brought down.
8: Hypnotherapy is not mind control: You will not lose control of your mind at any point in the process and can’t be made to do things like acting like an animal or being foolish. While many believe absolute power corrupts absolutely, the process can be stopped at any time you feel uncomfortable.
With these eight truths about hypnosis revealed, you can now feel confident in its abilities to help with an array of common issues. Hypnosis is a powerful tool which can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, and much more. Don’t let incorrect public views of the practice sway you from reaping its benefits to the fullest.
Is Hypnosis Real? 8 Truths About Hypnosis