We are all getting the green bug, protecting the environment, recycling our waste, turning off the lights we don’t need, installing renewable energy technology, and a host of other things that make the world a better place. For most parents, passing on that ethos and knowledge to the people who really matter, their children, is probably one of the most important things they can do.
Cut down on waste. From taking toys down to the charity shop to making the best of the food in the fridge, it’s a good idea to get your kids involved in cutting down waste. Rather than doing it for them, get your children to sort out those toys they no longer use and make a trip to the second hand shop or recycling plant. Let them see how it works and get them used to doing it so that it becomes second nature. Get them involved in cooking as soon as you can, have a compost heap for all that vegetable waste, and explain what it is for.
Recycling that waste. We are all used to doing it now, putting our plastics and tins in one bag and our cardboard and bottles in another. Combine it with a trip down to the recycling plant to see where everything is collected and processed. Above all, get your child physically involved in recycling and encourage them to choose stuff that is better for environment.
Also Read : How to protect our Environment
Turn off that tap. How many kids leave that tap running when they are cleaning their teeth? It’s a simple thing to ensure they switch off while they brush and switch back on when they want to rinse. All you have to do is show them the difference in water usage and they’ll get the idea. Put a timer on the shower or make a competition of who can wash cleanest the quickest to cut down on water waste at bath time.
Switch off those appliances. Kids are notorious for leaving things on, whether it is computers, games consoles or TVs, and it can often add a lot of money to your energy bills. Get them involved in switching things off when they are not in use and do it from an early age. The younger you get your child into the routine, the more you are going to save and the more they will have it ingrained into their everyday behaviour.
Get out and about. The best place to learn about the environment is to go out into the world. Visit the country, take in the view of a wind or solar farm and have a little talk about renewable energies. For kids a massive wind farm is a magical place, with those huge towers and their incredible propellers. You can, of course, spend your days indoors while the kids play on computer games, or you can opt to introduce them to the natural world. It’s their future and the more you pique their interest, the more they are going to become involved in later life.
Get your kids to find out more. Compared to days gone by we have so many resources at hand that can help us learn that we often take them for granted. If you want to get your children to take an interest in green issues then get them to explore the future of technology. Compared to us mere mortal adults, children are veritable sponges when it comes to gaining knowledge. Why not get them to find out what wind turbines will look like in the future and encourage them to fill a scrapbook with pictures from the web?
Getting your children to take an interest in the environment starts early and should be a constant part of their lives. If you as a parent do it, the chances are your kid will do it too. Add to that a little exploration and a growing love of the natural world, and you can help to ensure that the next generation is ready to go and 100% eco-friendly.