Top Tips for an Eco Friendly Road Trip

eco freindly road trip

Many people who are eco friendly are often hesitant to take a road trip due to the ramifications that it can have on the environment. Although traveling by car can increase your global footprint, there are a number of ways to ensure that your travels are still gentle on the earth, making for a great getaway that is completely guilt free.

Tips for an Eco Friendly Road Trip

Stop at Local Shops for Snacks

It’s natural to get hungry when spending hours on the road, making it easy to stop for treats and goodies along the way. Instead of purchasing food from a large supermarket, opt for local businesses that obtain their products locally.

You can also pack snacks from home to bring along for the car ride while using reusable containers for the items instead of relying on plastic bags.

Rent a Fuel-Efficient Vehicle

You may not already have a fuel-efficient vehicle, but you can ensure that you release less emissions into the air by renting a car that is eco friendly and gets better gas mileage on the road trip. This will make it easier to travel long distances and spend less on fuel, while also having an eco friendly trip that is gentle on the planet.

Map Out a Route
By mapping out your route ahead of time, it will make it easy to avoid getting lost and wasting more time and fuel. You can also rely on a navigation system, which will alert you of accidents or upcoming traffic so you can avoid sitting in stop and go traffic that can eat up your gas.

Once on the road, depend on your cruise control as much as possible, which will allow you to get more miles to the gallon while also skipping the air conditioner if possible.

Avoid Frequent Stops

It can be tempting to make a number of stops along the way to your destination after wanting a bathroom break or seeing a certain attraction from the highway. Instead of making a stop every hour or two, plan where you’ll take a break ahead of time when creating your route to ensure that you don’t use as much fuel stopping and going so much.

Walk or Ride a Bike in the Destination

Instead of continuing to rely on your vehicle once arriving at your destination to get around town, rent a bike or opt for walking when visiting the beach, exploring the downtown area, or when traveling to a local attraction. It will not only save you money, but will be easier on the earth and allow you to respect the environment for the duration of your trip.

About kamran

I am Kamran Shafqat, a Blogger, a Computer Engineer and an addicted Web Developer.Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Googleplus - Read more..

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