The diamond is defined as the colorless, very hard, crystalline mineral made of pure Carbon, or a figure with four equal sides with small angles on top and bottom and wider angles on the sides.
The History of diamonds:
The earliest diamonds were found in India in 14th century BS, although the youngest of these deposits were formed 900 million years ago. A majority of these stones were road. at the time of their Discovery. Diamonds were valued because of their strength and brilliance and for their ability to reflect light. Diamonds were used as cutting tools, served as a talisman to ward off evil. And were believed to be provide protection in battle. In the dark Ages diamond were also used as a medical aid and were thought to cure illness and heal wounds when ingested.
Until the 18th century, India was thought to be the only sources of diamonds. When the Indian diamond mines were depleted the quest for alternate source began. Although a small deposit was found in Brazil in 1725. The supply was not enough to meet world diamonds.
In 1866, 15 years old Erasmus Jacobs was exploring the bank of the Orange River when he came across what he thought was an ordinary Pebble. but turned out to be a 21.25 Carat Diamonds. In 1871, a colossal 83.50 carat deposit was unearthed on a shallow hill called collesberg copej these finding sparked a rush of thousands of diamonds prospectors to the region and led to opening of the first large scale mining Operation which came to be known as the Kimberly mine. This newly discovered diamond source increased the World diamond supply sustainably, resulting in a significant decrease in their value. The elite no longer considered the diamond a rarity, and began to replace this “common stone” with coloured gemstone, Emerald, Rubies and sapphires became more popular choices for engagement ring stone among the upper class.
The impacts of diamond on Environment:
Land Impacts:
2.5 million tons of rocks would be processed (piled, crushed and dumped) every year.
28.7 million tons of rock would have been dug from the ground over the life of the mine and dumped in the surrounding area.
The waste rock may leach chemicals, such as acid, into the surrounding water.
The mine would sit on top of nationally significant geological feature called a karst, which has been described as the “ best developed and most extensive karst topography in Ontario”.
Wildlife Impacts:
The area of proposed diamond mine and its associated infrastructure provides critical habitat for woodland, Caribou, a threatened species. This may result in the local extinction of caribou.
The water table would be affected for up to 260,000 hectares surrounding the mine. This would dry out muskeg, change the vegetation of the area and reduce the abundance of lichens, a key food for caribou.
The noise of explosives used to construct the diamond mine and from pit operations combined with trucks bringing supplies and materials to and from the mine site (60 trucks per day) would negatively impact wildlife behaviour.
Easier motorized access (better and more roads) to and in the region will increase hunting pressure on game species.
Habitat for migratory birds will also Affected.
Water impacts:
Methyl mercury may be released by dewatering of muskeg.Fish population such as lake sturgeon, brook trout, walleye and white fish may be harmed by the changes in water flow and water quality.
River crossing may lead to situation of rivers and creeks and impact water quality.1.2 million m3 of muskeg, including trees and other plants will be removed.A 2.6 km stretch of south granny creeks will be “moved”.The flow of the Nayshkatooyaow River will be decreased by at least 15%.
Do you know?
1750 tone of earth has to be extracted to find a 1.0ct rough diamond.20 tone of mined waste is produced to make one gold ring to hold that diamond.Some Environment Extremist Think that if the open pit mines get any deeper we could tap into molten and knocked the earth of its axis.So called “conflict free” Canada diamond mines are often built in environmentally fragile ecosystems, have significant ecological footprint and will significantly impact upon the caribou, wolverine, bears and fish which provide food for aboriginal peoples.The largest Australian diamond mine is as big as Japan.The largest diamond mine in eastern Siberia (Mirny, to be exact) Russia is so deep that the surrounding “air zone… is closed for helicopters” after few “accidents when they were ‘sucked in’ by downward air flow…” in essence it has created its own atmosphere.