The third and the final set of molars that most people get during their late teens are known as wisdom teeth. It may emerge after twenties and thirties too in some rare cases. If the wisdom tooth is properly aligned in the mouth, it can be an asset but in some cases, it is misaligned and can cause many dental problems. It can damage the adjacent teeth and nerves. In some cases, the wisdom teeth partially erupts which leads to a partial opening. Plaque and debris tend to get accumulated in the opening which leads to an infection. It can cause illness, pain and swelling in the gums. This can further lead to tooth decay and other dental issues.
It is important to consult a dentist or oral surgeon if there is persistent pain and swelling in the gums. There are many clinics that deal with dental emergencies in Bellevue.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction- The Process
The wisdom tooth is usually removed or extracted depending on the position of the tooth. The simple extraction procedure can be utilized to remove a wisdom tooth that has erupted from the gums completely. However, if the tooth is partially erupted, an incision will be required to remove the part of the bone which covers the tooth. In such cases, the tooth is often removed in small pieces.
During the extraction of the wisdom tooth, a local anesthetic is used to numb the surrounding areas of the teeth and the tissues. Sedative medicines are also administered in some cases to reduce anxiety. There may be bleeding and pain after the tooth extraction in a number of cases. The pain may vary from one person to another. Some people experience a low level of pain whereas some experience severe pain after the extraction of wisdom tooth.
The patients are administered painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the pain and swelling.
It is important not to eat solid food for the first day after the surgery. Soft food can be consumed for a week. Chewing food can be quite painful and uncomfortable after the extraction procedure. However, it is important to consume nutritious food after the surgery to speed up the healing process. If bleeding or pain persists after 48 hours of the surgery, it is pertinent to consult a dentist.
It is also important to keep the surgical spot clean and uninterrupted for a few days. It takes 24 to 48 hours for the healing process to begin. Meanwhile rinse with salt water and brush your other teeth with a soft bristled brush.