The term ‘minimalism’ is thrown around a lot in the environmental-conscious community. And it can have different meanings for different people.
But overall, minimalism involves making a series of life choices that directly impact us and our environment. It aims at reducing consumerism and benefits both us and the environment in which we live.
The concept of minimalism came to practice due to a number of reasons, one of the reasons being increased awareness. As people became more aware about the negative impact of excessive consumption on the planet, they decided to take action and turn to minimalism.
So a minimalistic lifestyle focuses less on gathering and more on optimising the resources that we already have. This helps reduce the stress on the environment to produce more and also gives more time for resources to be replenished.
Here is how minimalism benefits the environment:
Minimalism means less consumption
When you adopt a minimalist lifestyle, you make the choice of buying only those products which you absolutely require. This creates less space for consumption which reduces the burden on resources and hence the Earth.
For instance, one sheet of paper requires more than 3 gallons of water. By reducing your dependence on paper, you can save a significant amount of water. And remember that water is only renewable till you use it in a controlled manner.
To ensure that you consume less, you can adopt some simple techniques both at work and at home. Stop your print newspaper subscription and go for e-paper. Commute to your workplace using public transport and reduce fuel consumption; majority of these fuels not only come from non-renewable resources like fossil fuels but are also responsible for causing pollution.
Less consumption means less waste
When you consume less, you are automatically generating less waste. Since minimal living requires you to optimally use the product, it means that the average lifespan of the products is increased which means you buy less.
You can incorporate this technique in almost any area of life by ensuring that 1) you don’t throw away a product before it is wholly consumed, 2) when buying products, you pick the ones that have a relatively longer life, 3) you reuse and recycle what can be put to use again.
Minimalism encourages you to use environmental-friendly products
In a minimal way of living, consumers prefer making eco-friendly choices by buying those products that last longer and don’t impact the environment in a negative way. This helps save the planet in more than one way. Not only do you buy sustainable items but you also tend to consume comparatively less.
Here are a few simple ways to adopt minimalism:
1. Separate needs from desires
The first step to minimalism is to identify your necessities and separate them from desires. Make a list of daily items that you cannot do without. Now list out those purchases you make frequently but don’t require as much. Pick this list and cancel out as many items as possible.
The term ‘minimalism’ is thrown around a lot in the environmental-conscious community. And it can have different meanings for different people.
But overall, minimalism involves making a series of life choices that directly impact us and our environment. It aims at reducing consumerism and benefits both us and the environment in which we live.
The concept of minimalism came to practice due to a number of reasons, one of the reasons being increased awareness. As people became more aware about the negative impact of excessive consumption on the planet, they decided to take action and turn to minimalism.
So a minimalistic lifestyle focuses less on gathering and more on optimising the resources that we already have. This helps reduce the stress on the environment to produce more and also gives more time for resources to be replenished.
Here is how minimalism benefits the environment:
Minimalism means less consumption
When you adopt a minimalist lifestyle, you make the choice of buying only those products which you absolutely require. This creates less space for consumption which reduces the burden on resources and hence the Earth.
For instance, one sheet of paper requires more than 3 gallons of water. By reducing your dependence on paper, you can save a significant amount of water. And remember that water is only renewable till you use it in a controlled manner.
To ensure that you consume less, you can adopt some simple techniques both at work and at home. Stop your print newspaper subscription and go for e-paper. Commute to your workplace using public transport and reduce fuel consumption; majority of these fuels not only come from non-renewable resources like fossil fuels but are also responsible for causing pollution.
Less consumption means less waste
When you consume less, you are automatically generating less waste. Since minimal living requires you to optimally use the product, it means that the average lifespan of the products is increased which means you buy less.
You can incorporate this technique in almost any area of life by ensuring that 1) you don’t throw away a product before it is wholly consumed, 2) when buying products, you pick the ones that have a relatively longer life, 3) you reuse and recycle what can be put to use again.
Minimalism encourages you to use environmental-friendly products
In a minimal way of living, consumers prefer making eco-friendly choices by buying those products that last longer and don’t impact the environment in a negative way. This helps save the planet in more than one way. Not only do you buy sustainable items but you also tend to consume comparatively less.
Here are a few simple ways to adopt minimalism:
1. Separate needs from desires
The first step to minimalism is to identify your necessities and separate them from desires. Make a list of daily items that you cannot do without. Now list out those purchases you make frequently but don’t require as much. Pick this list and cancel out as many items as possible.
2. Don’t purchase single-use items
Picking items that need to be thrown after first-use causes you to buy more. Not only does it increase consumerism but it also leads to more production of waste.
3. Reuse and recycle
Now that we have already discussed the ways to reduce consumption and waste, it is time to move to the reuse and recycle techniques. Also, did you know that you can recycle computer parts?
4. Don’t discard what you can repair
- If there is a product that you can fix and then put to use, don’t throw it away as it leads to wastage of resources and also triggers more purchases.
Don’t purchase single-use items
Picking items that need to be thrown after first-use causes you to buy more. Not only does it increase consumerism but it also leads to more production of waste.
3. Reuse and recycle
Now that we have already discussed the ways to reduce consumption and waste, it is time to move to the reuse and recycle techniques. Also, did you know that you can recycle computer parts?
4. Don’t discard what you can repair
If there is a product that you can fix and then put to use, don’t throw it away as it leads to wastage of resources and also triggers more purchases.