Pakistan is an agricultural country. For about 80% of GDP we depend on agriculture. Along with many other systems and categories “tree planting” is also a very vital part of farming. Planting of trees on farm and marginal lands is as old, as this agri-dependent country is. The faraway areas of Pakistan are still wood dependent for the purpose to use it as a fuel. Farm lands in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are cultivated with different types of trees in non-systematic way by the farmers. The research article deals with the impact of Agro forestry trees in Nissata area of District Charsadda of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan. Charsada is famous throughout the country for it quality production of wood. At some extent we can say that this is the best wood producing land of Pakistan. The tree planting is very little or less-cost activity, which increase its benefits and the residents of Charsada specially fore granted it as their profession. Agro-forestry enterprise is an excellent source of employment for the people of Nissata District Charsadda. Along with employment the people are getting many other skills to maintain their life in a positive way toward betterment. Mostly the firewood is obtain from the trees that are planted by them.
Nisatta is town in the heart of Charsada District in KPK. The amazing fact is that it have a five number of serene rivers that are flowing through it. The rivers after a long journey from Nisatta meets with River Indus finally. Nisatta is holding a very undersized number of population and that is approximately 70,000. People belong to Kakat Kheil tribe and are highly qualified with education and other professional skills. People are also peace loving. Majority of population are engaged in agriculture activities. The residential mainly depends on agriculture individually people holding 2-3 acre of land.
The weathering conditions of the Nisatta is balanced with temperature like cold in winters and warm in summers. Temperatures drop sharply at night. June is warmest with an average temperature of 40.6 °C at noon. January is coldest with an average temperature of 3.8 °C at night.
The interesting fact about Nisatta planted tree is the Match factories offer good price for wood supplied by the poplar growers of the Nisatta town. Poplar from other localities in Pakistan has been found inferior in quality and color. In addition to poplar, farmers in Nisatta regularly grow trees of several other species the most important is Shisham, (Dalbergia sissoo) and poplar deltoids. Mulbery (Morus alba) is another major species grown in the area. This species is mostly used in the sports industry. In Nissata area most of the farmer prefer to plant tree like poplar over agriculture crop because they know that it is more beneficial and cash crop and require less attention. Nevertheless, enough farmers remain prejudiced against tree planting on farm land to justify investment in resources.
The significance of farm-raised wood has increased sharply during the last three decades, where large scale deforestation, mainly through an illegal felling and encroachment of forests has taken place. Govt of Pakistan has taken certain initiatives to stop this ill legal cutting of forests, with support from USAID and other international organizations. The asset of the research article revolves around that: to asses growing trees number, to find out impact of agro-forestry in Nasatta and to assess farmers perceptions.
In an area like Nisatta it is needed to bring new avenues of technology and start certain programmes and schemes for the unskilled farmers to make them more authentic about the fact for planting more and more forms of trees. So that the studied area and its population specially takes greater interest and meet certain degree of development and prosperity as soon as possible.
Impacts of Agro forestry Pratices on Socio-Economic Condition of Nisata Area District Charsadda