The World Wetland Day Celebrated

wetlands day

Klimatech Environment Club (KEC) has successfully celebrated ‘‘The World Wetland Day’ on 2nd February, 2012 at College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), University of the Punjab, Lahore. For this purpose, a jointly organized awareness walk was also arranged by KEC in collaboration with the Nature Conservancy Pakistan. The walk started at 11 a.m. and ended at 12 p.m. A large number of youngsters from PU participated and joined their hands for this purpose.World Wetland Day
The purpose of this walk was to create awareness among other students who do not have environmental background. The march was started from CEES and reached at Institute of Business administration (IBA PU) and then came back in the same fashion. The campaign continued for successive 45 minutes. During this event, a lot of posters and charts prepared by members of KEC, NCP and other students of CEES were displayed; the College was decorated with various slogans regarding protection of Wetlands. The whole faculty and staff of CEES also joined the program under the supervision of Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad, Principal at CEES.
Mr. Mujtaba Baqir (Senior Vice president KEC), Mr, Ahmed Husnain (Vice president KEC for CEE) and Mr. Usman Mani (President of NCP) see the outcome of event very positively and committed to continue such activities in future too. Mr. Mohsin Jamashaid (President KEC) said in his message, “By the mercy of Almighty Allah and with the support of CEES teachers and our valued members, we have completed this event progressively”.

Mr. Muhammad Azeem, the founder of KEC and the key figure behind firmly believe that one day he would successfully spread his message throughout Pakistan on the platform of KEC without differentiating among segments like students, teachers, professionals, industrialists, lawyers, general public. We will go to every person from street to street for the protection our environment, he added.

This Report is Prepared by “Humna Shakeel,Information Secretary KEC and  & Coordinator Klimatech Media Cell 

About Sami Khan

Hi! I am Sami Khan, a Blogger and Environmental Science Student. Follow me on googleplus - Read more...

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