E-learning is any educational learning that happens through the use of electronic resources. It is a field of new and newer inventions that facilitate better and improved learning of students. It can consist of anything from a simple smart board to a mobile app that gives the students their lesson plans or lecture notes. E learning is the future of education and it will certainly replace traditional classrooms in the future decades.
This field has already seen so many new technologies emerging in the past. In the future too, we might expect quite a bit from it. We hope to see latest inventions that will make our learning less conceptualised and theoretical and give us more on-field and practical experience. The knowledge gained through such learning is far more adaptive and permanent that any standard classroom learning. We can see more widely used technologies that the students can get easily habituated to.
Some changes that we can possible see are:
Virtual training
There are many system-based softwares that students use to learn, program or design new concepts. CAD and our app developing tools can all be made more responsive by adding virtual touch, sound or visuals that will enable creativity of the students to flow more freely and help their imagination to be placed on the picture. This will become very useful for architects, animation designers, engineers and many sorts of other applications where you can give 3D or a technological twist to the present existing softwares.
Online courses
As the name suggests, the classroom can come to your home or wherever you need it through a simple internet connection and an online course. Nowadays, with so many online courses taking up the lead to teach students those few extra important concepts or particular specification in some particular field, we can even expect online full-fledged classrooms where a single teacher can teach even a million students. These types of classes will be the thing of the future.
Robots for teaching
Robots can teach our future students and replace normal teachers. These teachers can find employment in some other sectors, where they can have more advanced uses of their vast knowledge and training and not be wasted away in a day job. Robots will also not fall sick and they can understand the correct way to teach students, give practical examples and work in a fast and efficient manner compared to human teachers.
Tabs for textbooks
Instead of wasting paper or ink or any other publishing resources, we can use our electronic devices as our textbooks. These have so many obvious advantages. There is higher protection for an electronic device, since it will not get lost easily. Also, you can fit in any number of books you want, even read through books online and basically access this virtual world of information from any place and any device on the planet. All you need is a basic internet connection.
Online exams
Even our competitive or school-level, college-level annual exams can be conducted via the net where simple measures can be taken so that the students do not cheat. These exams will save a lot of effort in the form of invigilation, setting elaborate papers, wastage of papers and transit of students which can be spent on other wise chores. There is a lot of scope for this in the government sector exams too for conducting online exams or even giving out online courses.
The government sector also includes the civil services exams which are conducted by and called as UPSC exams. These sectors too have not seen quite enough usage of sensible technological aids and use of electronic devices. There are almost 24 services and hence 24 exams that one can write for the UPSC to work for the Government.
The syllabus for these 24 exams can be taught online in simple courses to benefit the students. These online courses can help the students better understand the intricate concepts that cannot be summed up in a mere pen and ink textbook. If one can be tech-savvy and make a full benefit of the resources they have only then can he choose to progress and aim to develop this country.
Even the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams can be facilitated by e-learning where the students can have flexibility in their learning environment and can gain much more knowledge within a short period of time rather than having to approach different teachers for their doubts in various subjects.
This will also reduce their transit efforts and costs and bring the classroom to them. The future is of e-learning where every student can garner the important technology and keep updating and redefining themselves. After all, when you are learning about new technology or aiming to create them, you must make full usage of the current tech you have.