Why Eco Friendly Homes Are Important?

Why Eco Friendly Homes Are Important

Since the last few years many people are becoming aware of the fact that eco-friendly aka “green” homes are quite important for our environment. However, there are still many people who are not aware why ecofriendly homes are important. Therefore, this post would focus on how eco-friendly homes can be beneficial and what makes them important? Let’s see.

Importance Of Eco Friendly Homes

Safe and Healthy Environment

Green houses are made of sustainable natural materials which ensures that your home is safe from any chemical or other toxins that can possibly harm you, your family, your neighbors and even your environment. Most of these building materials include non-toxic paint, solar and/or wind energy, insulated walls, woods, rain water and wind turbines.

These materials are sustainable, obtained from recycled products and obviously they are eco friendly. Using recycled materials gives you the advantage of not wasting the resources of our Mother Nature and make optimum use of the current resources.

Lower Costs

These eco friendly homes normally bear quite low costs and can help you save some money since these materials are usually not very expensive unless someone rips you off but that’s on you. In some cases, it might be equal or a bit more expensive than the traditional houses. However, your green home would help you save far more money as compared to traditional houses. Most of the savings will be based upon your electricity use and water consumption that will be quite reasonable among other things.

Environment Friendly

An eco-friendly house is always environment friendly which is surely a great thing for you and your family. Apart from the sustainable resources that are used to make these eco-friendly homes, the heating and cooling system installed in your house creates a balanced temperature inside the house and the ventilation system provides you with clean and fresh air – obviously healthy and environment friendly.

Need of Eco-Friendly Houses in Pakistan

Country of Pakistan is blessed with vast and diverse resources and every region has its own specialty, the Northern Province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa has some of the highest Peaks in the world while provinces of Baluchistan and Sind are blessed with many other natural resources and lastly the Punjab produces export quality wheat, jute, maize and many other products. However, as we all know that like many other countries natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate in Pakistan as well.

Moreover, most people of Pakistan need to know the importance of our resources that are scarce and they have to be educated as what they can do to improve the environment. But, the situation is not that bad since many Pakistanis have already adapted the strategy and gone “green”. Some people who are interested in houses and real-estate that is eco-friendly say that it’s very difficult to find such homes. However, recently launched real-estate online portal Lamudi Pakistan makes it quite easier for such buyers to search for their type of green homes and start living a green life.

With more and more industrialization in Pakistan it’s important that our people go green in order to balance the scale of toxic fumes and chemicals these industries produce. Whether it’s Pakistan or any other country in the world, it is well-established that resources are depleting all around and it’s about time we take charge and keep our environment healthy. It’s better for us and for the whole world.

Hope this article helped you to know why eco friendly homes are important. Do you Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

About kamran

I am Kamran Shafqat, a Blogger, a Computer Engineer and an addicted Web Developer.Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Googleplus - Read more..

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