The Role of Environmental Education in the Safety of Wildlife

safety of wld life

Education is the transformation of knowledge, skills and information from one generation to another. Education equips us with powerful tools, trainings, ideas, beliefs and emotional strength that make us good individuals for ourselves and for the society we live in. Education plays a multi-dimensional role in the overall development of a nation. Various kinds of education carry different goals, aims and objectives that can be achieved via proper arrangements.

Educating masses for instance about the environment would enhance their understanding and appreciation about their surroundings. Environment is the combination of all physical phenomena, biological agent and social dynamics that affect and influence life.  Environmental Education is a learning process that increases people’s knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, fosters attitudes, motivations and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action for the protection of it.

Environmental Education is the process of helping people through formal, non-formal and informal way to acquire genuine understandings, skills and values that enable them to participate as active and informed citizens in the development of an ecologically sustainable and socially just society. Environmental Education focuses on the awareness, sensitivity, knowledge and understanding the environment and the challenges being confronted by it which helps maintain environmental quality as well.

One of the most important aspects that can be linked to the environmental education is ‘Safety of Wildlife’. Wildlife refers to any living organism in its natural habitat within the environment which includes all plants, animals and microorganisms that exist on our planet earth other than domesticated animals and the cultivated plants by human beings. Wildlife benefits the human beings because they and the nature are inseparable and have largely been associated with humans for numerous emotional and social reasons. They benefit the natural processes and have an essential role in the ecological and biological processes that are significant to life. The normal functioning of the biosphere depends on endless interactions amongst animals, plants, and microorganisms. This consecutively maintains and enhances human life further. These ecological processes are vital for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other activities that support human life. Besides, there are several biological processes wherein wildlife plays a key role, like pollination, germination, seed dispersal, soil generation, nutrient cycling, predation, habitat maintenance, waste breakdown, and pest control. It also benefits Science, Agriculture, Medicine as well most medicinal remedies contain at least one ingredient derived from a wild plant or animal.

Native wildlife makes the surroundings areas very special. Now, it is the responsibility of the citizens to protect native wildlife by ensuring that gardening and other household practices are not poisoning them and that they have safe passages through migratory corridors. One such protective measure is to dispose the waste in a responsible manner. Second the natural landscapes should be left with their native plants without any anthropogenic activities because they provide safe havens to the animals for their natural growth and development. Third protective action could be eliminating pesticides and herbicides from humanly-cultivated gardens. Way four is to keep the pets indoors unless someone is with them. The last but not the least is to drive slower while driving vehicles and be aware of wildlife trafficking especially among the forests or deserted roads.

Human beings can contribute in a variety of ways by playing their role in protecting the wildlife via being environmentally educated. They need to live in harmony with other beings on this planet and recognize that they are interdependent that implies the security of all and not merely humans’ immediate environment. There is constant need of searching out and actively involved in animals’ welfare and their rights on various levels especially on social one. The protection of the earth’s biodiversity provides greater personal satisfaction and peace of mind.

In this regard, a step towards conserving endangered animals is to learn as much as possible about them. We know that where and how they live, and what they need to survive and it will be easier for us to help them. For instance, we can play our role in protecting the birds by building a bird feeder with a bird bath for the neighborhood birds at roofs of our houses. We should conduct fund raising events to support animal welfare in workplace, apartment complex or institution which can be then donated to animals rescue and rehabilitation centers. The animals should be adopted from shelter rather than the pet shops because their animals are often week and unhealthy. We should make a difference in the lives of needy pets by opening our homes to the furry friends. The careless throwing of plastic bags into rivers and seas can harm aquatic life and must be avoided. Local aquariums should be visited to learn more about aquatic wildlife in order to teach the importance of wildlife conservation. Instead of eating meat, vegetables should be preferred which is way of healthy life. We can play our role by helping at the local animal shelter as volunteers. We can conserve natural habitats and help the threatened plants and animals. These can be survived permanently in national parks, nature reserves or wilderness areas. We must develop a lasting culture by educating ourselves through environmental education and the coming generation for the protection of wildlife, the beauty of nature.

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