The Use of Fur Tanning Supplies

Fur Tanning Supplies

Furs have great importance in the world of human clothing, fashion and designs. Generally, fur clothing has been widely used on various countries with cold climate as it offers warm, comfort and durability. In cold regions such as North America, there are various fur suppliers who offer great selection of wild tanned furs that are made into hats, and different types of apparels as well as accessories. Common animal sources for fur trimmed accessories and fur clothing include rabbit, fox, beaver, mink, otter, stoat, seals, sable, dogs, cats, possum, coyotes, and chinchilla. Commonly, they come in wide variety of shapes and colors. In order to make animal furs into finished products, they undergo different processes in which it mainly includes the process of tanning. Tanning has been made possible with the use various fur tanning supplies.

To state a fact, furs and hides of animals are among the oldest forms of human clothing. Nowadays, fur clothing has been viewed as a form of luxurious and warm clothing. Many fashion houses use furs for their masterpieces. For hunters and trappers who wanted to tan their own deer hides and fur, there are numerous tanning books made available in the market as there guide for doing the job. Tanning pertains to a process of treating animal skins to produce leather out of it. This type of clothing is less susceptible to decomposition and very durable in quality. Fur tanning supplies mainly include tannin and few tools for tanning. Tannin is an acidic chemical compound which is used to treat animal skins into leather. Other chemicals used for tanning hides and furs include chromium sulfate aluminum sulfate, and glutaraldehyde.

Different Kinds of Chemicals for Fur Tanning Supplies

There are actually different types of chemicals that are used for tanning hides and furs into quality leathers. Some are used in each tanning process starting from the beam houses, into dye houses and finishing processes. There are also various home tanning kits that are commercially available to offer up-to-date methods of tanning. This type of fur tanning supplies often includes most or all the chemicals needed for tanning and partnered with detailed instructions on how to tan animal hides and furs. These home tanning kits are usually available in leather-craft supply and taxidermy catalogs. Hence, in this modern era, fur tanning supplies can be also availed and shopped at online stores.

A basic home tanning kit, for example, could provide you with a lot of tools and knowledge that are necessary to finish a hide with stunning leather and hair-on tan. Some of these kits include a salt-alum process that is widely used for tanning hides. They specialize in the use of formulated oil that could make the hide supple and soft without leaving it with oily and greasy feeling. Some basic home tanning kit include books that contain formulas for tanning hides of elk, deer, antelope, cow calve, goat, sheep, foxes, coyotes, and raccoons. A typical basic kit includes a pack of tanning crystal, a bottle of tanning oil, a step-by-step book for guide, and a hide scraper and sand paper.

Tanning Agents for Fur Tanning Supplies

To achieve the best result in preferring home tanning, one could be aided with the use of tanning agents available commercially in a home tanning kit. Hence, one could choose from various common procedures used for tanning. These procedures include the brain tanning, turpentine and alcohol tanning, and alum and salt tanning. These kinds of tanning are said to be the most common and least expensive methods among the three for fur and hide tanning. This includes the use of various fur tanning supplies such as a non-metallic container, ammonium alum or potash alum, a washing soda, non-iodine salt, flour, brush or scraper knife, borax and a lot more. The alcohol and turpentine tanning, on the other hand, is the less common method used that is best suited for small fur skins. This employs the use of large-mouthed gallon jar, a wood alcohol, turpentine, and dishwashing soap or a laundry detergent. Further, brain tanning is the simple and old-fashioned process for tanning. It usually uses pig or horse brain, chlorine-free water, stretching frame or large board, and smooth wooden tool such as axe handle or canoe paddle. Quality fur trim accessories and clothing could be achieved with the proper use of fur tanning supplies together with the proper practice of step-by-step tanning procedures.


For oil and finishing of fur products, fur tanning supplies usually include fat liquor or tanning oil, paintbrush, household ammonia, electric fan, sheet of plastic, sheet of plywood, gasoline, nails, sandpaper block and hardwood sawdust, a cornmeal or a bran. Fur tanning supplies such as the various chemicals must be used with caution. It must be utilized with extreme care throughout the tanning procedure. Hence, users must carefully read labels of the products and follow its safety precautions.



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I am Kamran Shafqat, a Blogger, a Computer Engineer and an addicted Web Developer.Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Googleplus - Read more..

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