Environment is a broad term as we all know this diverse word “Environment” having lots of meanings so we could classify this word as a diverse word that include all the aspects of life including the interaction of biotic and a biotic components and their interaction with each other.
Each time we have seen a successive series of new findings, researches and innovations in order to sustain this planet and balance the natural system to its original state so the environmentalists and environmental scientists are trying their best to sustain our planet by many different approaches or by working on each and every aspect that is causing the depletion of our earth’s natural resources.

we have seen many environmental scientists working on alternative energy sources some of them are researching on bio diesel plants to meet the today’s energy demand, some of them are working on sustainability, some of them are working on climate change and adaptation, some of them are working to reduce the carbon foot prints etc, but now we have seen some of environmentalists took an initiative to combat the environmental degradation and protect the planet by individual force called “GREEN FORCE” Yes this is not a military force but a force in which the individual uses their skills knowledge and expertise to protect the environment, This force include the undergraduate students of Environmental Sciences or Environmental Studies.
This Green Force by Young and innovative environmentalists are in the forms of societies, clubs, small organizations or individual basis, their motive is to educate demonstrate and aware the local people to stop the environmental degradation, I personally witnessed some individuals that are working for the environment individually as Green Force they have some these types of tools with them every time (A Mobile Camera, Pen and note book) their work is to capture and spot those areas where these types of activities are being carried out by which our environment is degrading day by day so they just take a shoot and write on that and after it published on internet or in social media.
When I notice these activities by Green Forces on every level, I appreciated their work and their love to protect their mother nature so I am here to tell you that please grow this Green Force Initiative in your inner self so that we can sustain our planet EARTH.